Michael Munz
sales & advise

Unsere Angebote für Ihren Erfolg

Established SME, Car seller with 40 employees

Software Scale-up, 70 employees


Challenges/ Situation:
Sales numbers went down due to reduced number of customers willy to spend money for new cars.
The sales team (10 people) were not motivated to attract new costumer groups by E-Cars.
Marketing spent did increase due to higher price tags for classical advertisement in local newspapers.
Find a new target group via small and unexpensive sales initiatives that attract specific buyer persona. In this case: Families with children for larger electric Cars.
Motivate, train and coach the sales team to execute on initiative, support initiative with regular health check and goal settings.
Increase sales revenue specifically for larger electric vehicles.
Idea development for new sales strategy “E-Cars” with management.
Translate strategy into an action plan and execute kick of + starting phase.
Leveraging Cause related Marketing to support a local group offering workshops for school children to generate environmental awareness. (Offering advertised in local sport clubs and schools by local group).
Stopped classical advertising focusing on new target group via executing campaigns mainly via Social Media/ presence at local events.
Changed sales team set-up and approach, invented extra bonus for successful sales, set clear targets and timelines.
Helped sales team to create “sustainability” sales pitch with costumer focused approach/ value selling.
Result/ Outcome:
Increase revenue by a huge percent – all created by first time customers
Decrease Marketing spend for print media by 50% as spendings for CRM Initiative were much lower
Sales team motivated and committed to a sustainable sales approach – now developing their own ideas for sales campaigns regularly.

Investors expecting ongoing growth Increasing competition
Founders highly involved in every sales process
4 AE´s, 4 BDR´s, 2 Marketing employees
Not many experienced sales/marketing people
No Sales process, target and measurement
Find new ways, markets, and customers to get to target and establish stable growth
Help to create and set up a stable and scalable sales process and targets
Check on existing sales force set up and suggest

