Michael Munz
sales & advise

Lab for the development and implementation of remanufacturing concepts



The laboratory for the development and implementation of remanufacturing concepts can serve as a central innovation hub for sustainability and efficiency within a company.
This laboratory is an innovation center where new remanufacturing concepts are developed, tested and integrated into the corporate structure. It creates the basis for more sustainable production and at the same time offers new opportunities for value creation

1. Establishment and Structure of the Lab

Premises and equipment:
- Analysis area: Equipped with modern diagnostic tools and test equipment to check the remanufacturing capability of products.
- Development area: Workbenches, 3D printers and CNC machines for prototyping and customization, etc
- Collaboration area: conference rooms and open spaces for brainstorming sessions and meetings with internal and external stakeholders
- Storage area: Space for storing products and components to be tested.

2. Steps for the Development of Remanufacturing Concepts

A. Product Testing:
1. identification of suitable products: Analysis of the existing product range to identify those products that are suitable for remanufacturing.
2. technical analysis: examination of returns and recording of typical wear patterns and defects.
3. economic analysis: evaluation of costs and the potential for savings and revenue through remanufacturing.

B. Development of Remanufacturing Processes:

1. disassembly and inspection: development of standardized processes for the disassembly and inspection of returned products.
2. repair and reconstruction: Establish techniques and procedures for reconditioning and rebuilding products.
3. quality inspection: implementation of quality assurance measures to ensure that remanufactured products are equivalent to new products.
3. integration into the company structure


C. Production Processes:

1. adaptation of the production lines: Integration of remanufacturing processes into existing production lines or establishment of specialized remanufacturing lines.
2. staff training: special training for employees on new processes and techniques.

D. Sales Processes:

1. take-back systems: Establishing an effective system for taking back and collecting end-of-life products.
2. distribution channels: Utilization of existing distribution networks or establishment of new channels for remanufactured products.
3. integration of remanufacturing products into the company's product portfolio and penetration of the market to create positive awareness among consumers

D. Marketing Processes:
1. communication strategy: development of communication plans that emphasize the sustainability benefits and quality of remanufactured products.
2. cause-related marketing to specifically support sustainable and/or social projects
2. branding: creation of a sub-brand or label that differentiates remanufactured products from new products and communicates their value.
4. customer involvement: Educating and engaging customers through transparent information and sustainability campaigns.

E. Change- und Transformation
1. sensitization of employees
2. empowerment of employees
3. adapting the corporate strategy and communication
4. market launch and scaling

F. Pilot Projects:
- Launch small pilot projects to test market acceptance and gather feedback.

G. Partnerships:
- Collaboration with suppliers, logistics partners and recycling companies to ensure efficient recycling and processing.

H. Continuous Improvement:
- Use of the data collected from the pilot projects and the first market launches to continuously optimize processes and products.

