Michael Munz
sales & advise

You have a solution, but it doesn't fit the problem? 

Learn to overcome all difficulties!

We work very closely with scientists, institutes, universities, technology experts as well as business angels, venture capital and private equity companies, who support your company as partners in the realization of its strategic and operational goals

Unique tools support success

Together with the leading institute for sustainability, we have developed a sales laboratory.
Here your team, together with various experts, can define and develop YOUR own sustainable sales concept and test it under almost perfect real-life conditions.
With our support, you can derive your methods, tools and strategies from this experience.
These are designed from the outset so that they can be integrated into the corporate strategy and ensure a smooth but effective transition from the "old" world to the sustainable world

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Our technology partners

Many industries today are challenged by the digitalization of products, business models and sales concepts and do not consider that all these topics influence each other. That's why, together with our partners, we offer complete solution packages that analyze product development, product design and adaptation and the future viability of your products.

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Unique tools support success

You gain clarity through the use of modern methods. You manage your portfolio enthusiastically and unerringly in all phases. With the strategic tool developed by our partner. AI platforms, portfolio management solution, the enhanced Business Score Card and OKR as a support tool.

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Our strategic investment partners

With their core competencies of management, capital and technology, they stand for long-term investment in growth companies with impact. Our partners embed their investments in a comprehensive ecosystem, thereby creating sustainable value.

Ensure development today,
from which you will benefit tomorrow.
